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How to find everything in your VideoAsk account

Get a breakdown of what’s inside your VideoAsk account, and find everything from where your responses live, to where you can update your account information.

Viewing your responses

The first thing you see when you log into VideoAsk is your All interactions feed. This is where you can view all the responses you’ve received across all videoasks, with the most recent responses at the top.

Click on a contact in the middle column, and view their response on the right.


View responses at any time by clicking All interactions.


Learn more about viewing your responses here.

Searching within VideoAsk

Sometimes you forget which folder a videoask lives in, or you just want to find a specific response. Use the Search function in VideoAsk to search for contacts, a response, or a videoask.


Check out our Search in VideoAsk article to uncover all the fun things you can search for.

Get a quick videoask performance overview

Head over to your VideoAsk Dashboard to find an overview of the responses you’ve received, any new contacts created, and get metrics on your most recent videoask from the past 30 days.


More information about your VideoAsk Dashboard can be found here.

View your VideoAsk contacts

When someone responds to your videoask and leaves their contact details, they’ll be added to your contact directory.

Inside your contact directory, you’ll be able to view all conversations from a contact, send a direct message, and much more.


Learn how to view and manage your contacts here.

Create a new videoask

To start creating a new videoask, simply click New videoask. Then select if you want to create one from scratch or use a template.


If this is your first time creating a videoask, below are some resources to help you get started:

Create a new folder

Folders are a great way to keep your videoasks organized, whether by topic, team member, or anything else you’d like.

Click + New folder to create a new one and give it a name.


Move videoasks into a folder by clicking the three dots on a videoask and selecting Move to folder.


You’ll also be able to set folder permissions for members of your organization.

View your videoasks

Your videoasks live inside your folders.

Click on a folder, and your videoasks will appear on the right side of the screen.


Below each videoask, you’ll see how many new interactions you’ve received since you last checked.


You can also search for a videoask by title within the folder you’re currently viewing.


Click on a videoask icon to open it and view the responses you’ve received for this specific videoask.


Click on the three dots in the corner of a videoask to open the following series of options for the videoask.

View - Opens your live videoask in a new tab.

Edit - Opens the videoask builder where you can edit your videoask.

Move to a folder - Moves the videoask to another folder within the organization you’re in.

Move to another org - Moves the videoask to another organization you belong to. You’ll only see this option if you’re logged in as the owner of the organization the videoask lives in.

Duplicate - Makes a copy of the videoask. Responses aren’t duplicated, but settings such as colors and fonts are copied over to the new videoask.

Share - Opens the videoask share panel so you can share your videoask with your audience however you like.

Settings - Opens the settings for the videoask, where you can customize things such as colors, language, font, etc. Learn more about the settings for your videoask here.

Delete - Moves the videoask to your trash folder, where it’ll live for 30 days before it gets permanently deleted. A warning message will ask you to confirm that you actually want to delete the videoask.

Switch organizations

If you belong to multiple organizations, you can easily switch between them by clicking on the organization name in the top left corner.


Get some help

If you need a little help while using VideoAsk, click the ? icon on the bottom left to get quick access to some helpful resources.


Account & Org settings

Click on the Account & Org settings icon to change some of your account or organization details, such as your account name, email address, and billing information.


Below is a breakdown of what’s inside your Account & Org settings:

My Account - Update your account name, email address, password, and more.

Authorized apps - View and revoke access to the apps that you’ve given permission to connect to your VideoAsk account.

API - Generate a temporary token or get API credentials to connect with our API.

Overview - Set your organization details, such as your reply-to email, default settings for all new videoasks, brands, and custom languages.

Plan & Billing - View your current plan, check how many minutes you’ve used in the current month, change your plan, update billing information, and view invoices.

Referrals - Retrieve your referral link to earn minutes.

Team - Invite team members to your organization and update their permissions.

Notifications - Manage the notifications you receive, set working hours, and turn on vacation mode.

Media Library - Manage videos in your account.

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